By Randy Yerby
“Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and true before the Lord his God. And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered” (2 Chronicles 31:20-21).
“All in” is a phrase that has become popular due in large part to the increasing popularity of the poker craze, but the state of being “all in” is exactly what God has required from His servants from the beginning. God commanded the Jewish people to love Him, “with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” (Deuteronomy 6:5).
“Because God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.” (Augustine of Hippo) Sadly, too many of us have given pieces of ourselves to other interests, other people, and other gods, causing much restlessness. I wonder if we really know what it means to be 100% committed to anything anymore, let alone 100% committed to God? I wonder if people really know, or care that they were created to be totally committed to and obedient to God? “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
When Jesus invited us to bring all of our cares and burdens to Him and the result would be that He would give us rest, He didn’t want us to hold anything back. Peter tells us to cast all of our cares upon Him because He cares for us, why would we not put all into the Lord’s hands? Give all of yourself to God and He will give you rest and peace.
“Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.” (Mitch Albom)