A Message From Our Elders
The church here has appointed us to serve as elders (shepherds, overseers). We’re tasked with teaching, guiding, and protecting God’s flock at Marrtown Road. (1 Peter 5:1-5)
We are committed to maintaining a New Testament church in every aspect. Our organization, work, and worship is all patterned after what we read in the New Testament. We are not concerned with being like other churches around us. We are dedicated to being like the church Jesus established in the first century. (Matthew 16:13-19)
You are encouraged to ask any questions you have regarding our worship service or teaching. If you desire to become a member of this congregation, please express your interest to us. God has blessed us with the opportunity to be together. Our prayer is that you will see Jesus and His will more clearly as a result of our interaction here.
Thank you for visiting our site today. May God bless you!
Kevin Gilbert, Mark Childers, and Randy Yerby