Our Mission
We seek to be a Bible-centered group of disciples looking to Jesus as our Lord.
Because of this, we seek to follow the Bible alone, while “proving and testing all things”.
No Denominations
We are not a denomination. We are simply Christians. We are members of Christ’s body. Ephesians 4:1-6 explains that all are to be one, not to be divided into different denominations.
The Bible
The Bible is our only guide. We use no additional creeds that are made by man. Revelation 22:18-19 explains that we are not to add to the Bible or take away from it. We only use the wonderful book that was inspired by God.
Jesus, the Christ
Colossians 1:18 shows that Christ is the head of the church. According to the Word of God, elders and deacons can also be appointed (if qualifications are met) only to “feed the flock”.
New Testament
We try to walk in the footsteps of the church of the New Testament. We strive to be the “seed of the kingdom” (Luke 8:11).
We worship only how instituted in the Bible. We work to do our best to worship in “spirit and in truth” (John 4:22-23). The elements of our worship include prayer, preaching, singing (everyone sings without instrumental music), the Lord’s Supper (every first day of the week), and giving to the church.